Airdronian Vernon John Sinnott recently won an award for a book he published late last year called "Inspirational Love".

The award he received was the "Poetry" award at the 2024 International Impact Book Awards.

"There are 108 poems in the book", stated Sinnott. "I started writing back in grade 11 which would have been 1971, and I created these poems over 25 years."

According to Sinnott, a lot of the poems are about heartache, longing for love and heartbreak. The book is in honour of his younger brother who committed suicide at 20 years of age.

"I was 23 at the time and felt guilty. You wonder what you could have done to change things. And so I wrote a couple of poems in the book for him."

One of the poems is called "Andy, We Love You", and another is called "Yesterday".

"He was there when I needed somebody when I was feeling down because my heart was broken. I wasn't there to do the same for him."

Sinnott found that writing these poems helped relieve the stress when he was going through something in his personal life. Some of the poems are also about what it is like to experience everlasting love as well.

After receiving some good reviews about his book, he decided to publish it so anybody could read his art piece. so far he has sold less than 10 copies.

If you are interested in buying his book to read the poems he has been working on for years, click HERE. It is also available in audiobook form.

When asked if he is working on another book, Sinnott stated he has been encouraged to write religious poetry.

"Maybe I'll write some religious poems and see how that goes. But right now, I just want to see how my current book does before I start making another."

Sinnott finished off by saying he has donated a paperback and hard copy of the book to the Airdrie Public Library so if Airdronians are unable to purchase it, that would be the next best thing.

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