The City is touting its Waterworks bylaw after surpassing its goal in 2019.

in 2018, Airdrie residents were using 274 Litres of water per capita. The City set a goal of getting that number down to 250L/per capita by the year 2030.

To do this they implemented an outdoor watering schedule based on the addresses of businesses and residents.

Those ending in even numbers can water lawns, gardens, trees and shrubs on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from 6 to 9 a.m., 7 to 10 p.m. OR 1 to 4 a.m. with an automated irrigation system.

Addresses ending in odd numbers can water Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Not watering on Friday allows the reservoir to replenish in time for the weekend, which is when the City sees the highest demand.

The changes saw water usage reduced to 243L/capita in 2019, which the city says is great news, but they also acknowledge the weather played a key role in the lessened water usage.

“We surpassed our water conservation goal for last year, but it was a very rainy summer, so people may not have been watering as much as usual,” said Jennifer Sugden, Water Operations Program Coordinator.

“Although last year might not be an accurate representation of schedule adoption, we learned a lot and that will help inform our education campaign in 2020.”

Water services attended 10 events throughout the city with their mascot Wade the water droplet, to help educate residents about smart water usage.

The city said it held two successful rain barrel sales, selling 310 barrels. Because of the success, they plan on hosting two additional rain barrel sales this year.

“By collecting rainwater in a rain barrel, planting drought-tolerant plants, following the new watering schedule and ensuring toilets and faucets don’t leak, residents and businesses can reduce their water bill and help our city be more sustainable,” said Airdrie’s Water Operations Program.

For tips and tricks on how to reduce your water consumption click HERE.


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