The Alberta Government is seeking applications for the remaining $415 million available for the Green Transit Initiatives Program.

Airdrie had applied and used funds from the program in the past, including the construction of the new Main Street Transit Terminal that opened in December last year.

Mayor Peter Brown said that some of the funding was used when ordering a new bus for the terminal, but also said that GreenTRIP funding can take time.

"We'll order a bus to get it here on time and often times the capital funding will show up a year or so later, so usually they are a year behind in getting those grant dollars to us, but as long as we know they are coming we are good to go."

Mayor Brown explained that the City is currently reviewing it's transportation needs which is an ongoing process, but that once decisions have been made, the applications will be going through the Calgary Regional Partnership.

"If it relates to new buses, technologies, customer facilities, or transit shelters, or bus barns, or park and rides and things like that, that is what we can apply for."

A servicing study will be coming to council at the end of April that looks at the current transit services of the city as well as outlining what is believed to be needed for future growth.

"I assume over time as the service continues to grow and expand that we will have another park and ride, probably somewhere else in the community."

Airdrie's applications for the funding will be sent to the Alberta Government by June 2016.

Leah Crawford -