Technology is a great resource to learn about the beef industry without leaving your house.  Alberta Beef Producers is putting together a webinar every month to tackle issues and discuss things going on in the beef industry. It's a conference you can attend without leaving your office.  If you don't have the internet, you can also join the conference by phone. Each session will be 30 minutes, with up to 30 minutes afterwards giving participants a chance to ask questions.

There will be one webinar per month, and they will all start at 7 p.m.  The first webinar is coming up on May 30, and Canadian Beef Incorporated will be talking.  "Their topic is 'Taking up the challenge, Be an advocate for you industry.' There are so many things about beef out there in the media and in your social circle, so this gives ranchers a chance to learn some techniques to dispel any myths that are out there about beef," explains Lori Loree, Communications Manger with the Alberta Beef Producers. She says it's a way to learn a little bit about the industry and also a way to share it with your friends and family.

If you plan to attend, you can register in advance but you don't have to. To join the conversation, or find out more information about the webinars, go to