At the latest Rocky View Schools Board of Trustees meeting, board members set the school fees, transportation fees and community fees for the 2024-25 school year.

The majority of the fees will stay the same.

School Fees

Each year, schools conduct a review of their fees, assessing proposed increases or the addition/removal of fees for new or evolving courses.

The majority of school fees, including those for optional courses, extracurricular activities, programs, and other noncurricular goods and services, will only see slight increases since the Board understands the growing financial strains on our families.

The Board has approved the schedule of school fees for the 2024/25 academic year, and these fees will be published on school websites by the end of June.

Community Use Fees

RVS will keep fees at the 2023–2024 levels for the 2024–2025 school year as part of its commitment to allowing the community to use its facilities and outdoor areas.

To make sure the program is self-sustaining and doesn't need further funding from outside sources, a financial analysis of it was carried out. A percentage of the fees' earnings are donated to support.

Transportation Fees

For the 2024–2025 academic year, RVS will keep offering student transportation at the present service levels, and transportation costs will stay at the 2023–2024 levels. To offset rising transportation contractor costs, the Board decided to use transportation reserves for 2024–2025.

There will be no end to the parent/guardian incentive to complete early registration. It is recommended that parents and guardians register by June 23, 2024, as this will assist the Transportation Department in scheduling routes for the summer.

Under the early registration program, fees are lowered by $40 for the first two children in a household and $20 for each additional kid.

Also at the latest meeting, the trustees decided on balancing Airdrie student spaces.

After hearing public feedback on the original three options, Greg Luterbach, Superintendent of Schools presented this new option, the one that was ultimately accepted by the trustees and will come into effect at the start of the Fall 2025 school year

AirdrieScreenshot provided by RVS.

The changes will start at the beginning of the Fall 2025-2026 school year. 

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