In the run up to the 2017 election, we asked our readers and listeners what issues matter most to them. Every day, we ask candidates for their thoughts on healthcare, growth, traffic, city facilities, downtown, and the other issues important to their campaign. Today, Charlotte Blackwell addresses your issues.

Charlotte Blackwell is one of the 23 names you'll see on the ballot come election day.

Blackwell, a retired nurse, said Airdrie's healthcare issues are very important to her. Blackwell sees real gaps in healthcare, and believes with the size of the city, it's no longer reasonable to go elsewhere for healthcare.

"We are a city of 65,000 people and growing, and going to Calgary isn't the best option anymore. We need to be able to get our bloodwork done here in a timely manner, not sitting there for five hours, waiting to get in. We need ultrasound technology, and so much more."

If elected to council, she says she would advocate strongly at the provincial level to make sure Airdrie gets the help and support it needs.

On the question of growth, Blackwell thinks it's important to address the growth that has already happened in Airdrie. She thinks Airdrie hasn't caught up to its rapid population increase, and the City needs to move swiftly to catch up in regards to infrastructure, and then start getting ready for the growth that is still coming.

In regards to traffic, Blackwell said the next council needs to continue to support solutions that have already been brought forward to address congestion on Airdrie's roads. Specifically, she sees areas for improvement around the railways, and said that the City needs to complete the proposed underpass on Yankee Valley Boulevard in order to keep traffic moving. She also acknowledged complaints with traffic signal timing, saying it needs to be looked at to make sure traffic moves sufficiently at Airdrie's intersections.

Blackwell also sees a need for more facilities in Airdrie, and would advocate for a multi-use facility.

"I would love to see a multi-use centre that incorporates it all. That has swimming and more ice and soccer fields and arts and culture and a library, everything that we need in there to use. Possibly a stage for entertainment."

Blackwell also thinks the City needs to look at the availability of current programs, and find a way to make it all work together while also planning for future growth.

When it comes to downtown, Blackwell said the City needs to stick to a plan. In her opinion, downtown redevelopment is constantly planned and replanned, which is merely a waste of time and money. She believes it is time to actually move forward with a plan to make downtown more vibrant. She also identified parking as a specific issue in the downtown area, and said the city needs to ensure downtown is accessible to the entire community.

Blackwell also named transit as a priority in this election.

"I know there was just changes to it but it's still not working. We need to make it more accessible for our youth and for our seniors."

Finally, Blackwell hopes to further engage Airdrie's seniors and youth. She believes those demographics are often forgotten, and she hopes to bridge the gaps between Airdrie's youth and seniors through some sort of mentorship program.


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