The best day to fill your gas tank has been revealed.

GasBuddy analyzed gasoline price data from the start of 2019 until the beginning of December.

The study showed that Tuesdays typically offered the lowest average gas price in Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Quebec.

On the other hand, according to the report, the most expensive day on average, and therefore the worst day to fill up is Friday.

“Canadians driving habits requires filling up every week or so, making fuel a rather pricey expense over the course of an entire year, ” says Patrick DeHaan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy. “By buying gas on the cheapest day instead of the most expensive day of the week, Canadians can collectively bring down their expenses by timing their purchases to the lowest price day of the week - a simple yet noticeable change in behavior that can add up.” 

GasBuddy says in 2019, Canadians will have collectively spent more than $54 billion on gasoline.

When it comes to the provinces with the highest and lowest gas prices, it comes as no surprise that BC has the highest, with an average price this year of 132.4c/L.

Alberta comes in at the opposite end of the spectrum. Gas prices in our province in 2019 were an average of 108.4c/L.

Currently, gas prices in Airdrie are around 94.9c/L.

GasBuddy offers the following money-saving tips:

  • It Pays to Shop Around: Gas prices can vary as much as 20c per litre in the same neighborhood. Shopping around for the best gas price can save time and money.
  • Watch for Winter Weather: Fuel efficiency can decrease by as much as 35% in substandard road conditions involving snow, rain, salt and sand.
  • Speeding is Expensive: As your speed increases, your aerodynamic drag increases in an exponential fashion. Driving 100 km/h vs 120 km/h will reduce fuel consumption by about 15%.


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