Today (March 1st) marks the official start of the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday.

Catholics from across Airdrie including students and staff at St. Martin De Porres High School will be commemorating the event.

"A big part of what we do is that participation in the different liturgical seasons in our school and they participate in that and it's that education and being a part of that community," says Greg Masterson, Principal at St. Martin, "The deacon from our parish will come out and the students will get ashes on their forehead and throughout the season of lent we look at different service projects as well."

In order to prepare for the season, Masterson and the rest of the High School took part in the Shrove or Fat Tuesday feast.

"Traditionally what it is is people fasted from products like eggs milk and butter from throughout the Lenten season. Fat Tuesday is where you could use it up in preparation for Lent."

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Preparing For Lent