The fight to keep the Enbridge Line 5 pipeline running continues and one analyst believes the issue will drag on.

On Wednesday, Airdrie's MP Blake Richards and the Conservatives called on the federal government to do more to keep the pipeline project going.

They are calling for the Liberals to enact the 1977 Transit Pipelines Treaty which allows for the uninterrupted flow of oil products from pipelines that link Canada and the U.S.

Last November, the Governor of Michigan ordered Enbridge to close the pipeline by May 12, 2021 following calls from environmental groups who believe any spills from the pipeline could contaminate the water supply and damage the lands around the Great Lakes Region.

ental concerns but is more of a political game.

"The Governor of Michigan is up for re-election next year and this looks like she's on the warpath here."

Despite the deadline passing, Calgary-based Enbridge said it plans to keep the pipeline running unless a court orders them to stop.

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