Ahead of the upcoming recycling policy, Councillor Allan Hunter has asked the City Manager to direct City staff to work with him on a Care and Compassion amendment to the policy.

"The care and compassion piece is to say, let's put some amendments in place that allow this program to be very flexible and really look after the people in the community that are so busy looking after others that they don't always have time to stand up and say, hey hold it, what about us?"

Councillor Hunter is concerned about what he calls "unintended consequences" from the one bag and clear bag policies that are a part of the recycling program. He says these policies put extra burdens on foster parents and those taking care of individuals with special needs, and can even be punitive. 

"The people that are out there, dedicating their lives to looking after people with special needs or families that take in children in crisis situations, all kinds of people across our community that a one bag limit doesn't cut it."

Councillor Hunter said he's received some positive feedback about this proposal already.

"So the only feedback I've received at this point is from the mayor who's very supportive and said, you've made some really good points and anxious to see what is going to come of it. I've not heard from my other Council colleagues."

Councillor Hunter hopes he'll be able to work with City staff and fellow Councillors to make sure the new policy works for everyone as the City transitions into the program in the Spring.


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