Alberta Can't Wait is a grassroots movement that supports the initiative of uniting the right.

On October 25, community members came together to discuss what unification of a PC/Wildrose government may look like.

Colin Craig, Manning Centre, Director of Strategic Communications, says in his personal experience community members are finding there are more reasons to unite than divide.

"I think that people are starting to realize that especially now just given the damage that's being caused by the current government."

With the Provincial election looming, Craig believes that people are speculating our current situation is not getting any better, anytime soon.

"I think a lot of people are starting to see how the provincial government has made a bad situation worse by passing a number of polices which are really having a negative impact in the province's economy and it is leading to job loss.

Uniting the Right, adds Craig, is being seen as a new alternative of getting Alberta back on track.

"It is pretty clear when you go to meetings, like the one in Cochrane, where there's Wildroser's in the room and PC'ers, they are not going to agree to everything and no one will ever agree to everything, but if you put some policies in front of people in a room like that they will probably find agreement in a good number of them."

With Calgary's unemployment reaching a 22 year high, says Craig, the public is becoming more aware that our lagging economy is not just tied to low oil prices, but putting economic policies in place at the wrong time.

"Their decision to raise minimum wage by 50% in the middle of a recession just makes no sense. How is a small business that is struggling to get by? How are they going to handle a 50% minimum wage hike?...They can't. The provincial government's polices are nonsensical and having detrimental impact on the economy."

Craig is hopeful that a united party will materialize in the future.

"I think the public is looking for some kind of means to get this province back on the right track; back to fiscal responsibility, accountable government, and commonsense policies.